6 Personal Alarm Myths

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Personal alarms are made to support people living independently, such as older people or lone workers. It’s a quick and straightforward solution to call for help in case of emergencies, including health issues, falls, and more. However, there are many misconceptions about personal alarms, especially for first-time users. So, if you’re encouraging loved ones to wear personal alarms for their safety, here are some myths about personal alarms debunked.

Personal alarms are challenging to set up - FALSE

Not at all. Many personal alarms today use a plug-and-play installation method. This means that anyone can install it within just a few minutes. Moreover, companies that develop personal alarms provide a comprehensive guide on how to set up their products. So rest assured that you’ll have all the information and support you need to install and easily use your personal alarm.

Personal alarms must be taken off when taking a shower or bath  - FALSE

Most personal alarm pendants are water resistant. This is to address the bathroom issue where people are more prone to slipping and falling. So, users can wear personal alarms when taking a shower. In case of accidents in the bathroom or shower, wearers can quickly call for help with just one press of their pendant’s panic button.

For example, the Tunstall Gem4, part of our Connected Care solution, is IP67 Water-resistant, a waterproof standard that means the device can be imersed in water up to 1 meter for 30 minutes.

Personal alarms are easy to trigger accidentally - FALSE

There will always be times that wearers may accidentally trigger their personal alarm. But, this is not something to worry about. Most personal alarms are designed to deal with false alarms. For example, let’s look again at the Tunstall Gem4, which has one SOS button on the pendant. When pressed for about 2 seconds, an alarm will be triggered to the Customer Care Centre. However, if it’s a false alarm, wearers can simply press the button again to cancel the call.

Personal alarms don’t work outdoors - FALSE

Modern personal alarms have more range now. This means that they can be worn even outside the house. They are helpful for those who like to do their gardening or like lounging in their backyard. Unlike earlier models which relied on telephone lines, some personal alarms are now compatible with the 4G network, which allows them to call for assistance anywhere with a mobile signal. More than that, there are also personal alarms that have a GPS feature. It helps Customer Care Consultants easily locate the wearer, especially when they are out of the house during an emergency.

Personal alarms can be replaced by mobile phones - FALSE

Not exactly. Mobile phones are great to keep in touch with family and other emergency contacts, but they won’t always be on your person. Besides, in times of panic and confusion, dialling emergency contacts may prove to be a difficult task using a mobile phone. This is especially true if the first number dialled is unresponsive.

Meanwhile, personal alarms connect users instantly to Customer Care Consultants with just one press of a button. These consultants are available 24/7 and are ready to assist wearers the moment an alarm is triggered. Furthermore, personal alarms can be worn, so it’s with the user all the time.

Personal alarms are just for the elderly - FALSE

The final myth about personal alarms is that they are made only for the elderly. That’s why people see it as a symbol of old age. But, personal alarms or even the personal alarm watch can also be used for lone workers, people living with disabilities, or anyone who may feel unsafe, threatened or need assistance or support while out and about.

To keep lone workers safe and give peace of mind to their family, friends and employers, personal alarms are especially beneficial. Also, seniors are not the only ones who wish to remain independent; people who are living with disabilities may also wish to live independently. Using personal alarms will give loved ones and the wearers’ peace of mind that help is just one push of a button away in case of emergencies.

It’s never too early or too late to get a personal alarm - TRUE

Ready to have a conversation with someone you know about personal alarms? Then make sure to take note of the myths above. We’ve also created a handy guide to help you discuss Connected Care solutions with loved ones. For more information or to enquire about our pricing or different funding options you can always contact our friendly team.

Get your personal alarm today:

About the Author
Alistair Wilkes
Alistair Wilkes

Alistair is Marketing Team Manager with Tunstall Healthcare, and has been with the company for more than 7 years. Throughout his time with Tunstall, he has assisted with the development of internal and external communications for the company, including blog articles and web content. His background is primarily in the non-profit industry, working across human rights, disability support and child protection.

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