Healthy Meal Planning Tips for Older Adults

Over the age of 65, most people will have at least one medication to treat a medical condition, and over time some of those medications can deplete or influence nutrient absorption. But choosing nutritious meals that provide our bodies with the essential dietary requirements to keep us healthy can become increasingly challenging as we age. 

It’s natural for older adults’ appetites and tastes to change, as well as their ability to prepare meals for themselves on a regular basis. Meal planning is an important part of making sure you get all the nutrients you need without breaking your budget or having to rely on processed snacks and takeaway food options. 

Check out our top tips on how seniors can easily create delicious and satisfying meal plans that cater to their unique needs, preferences, and lifestyle.

What is meal planning?

Meal planning is the process of making a plan for your meals on a weekly or monthly basis. Meal plans don’t need to be overly complicated or time-consuming, but they do require some thought and preparation.

Benefits of meal planning

Meal planning can be beneficial for seniors for a number of reasons:

Improved nutrition

Planning meals in advance can help ensure that a balanced and nutritious diet is being consumed. This is especially important for individuals who may have specific nutritional needs or may be at risk for malnutrition, or have specific dietary requirements like vegetarians, celiacs or people with allergies/intolerances.

Better portion control

Meal planning can help control portion sizes and make healthier food choices. It can also help avoid overeating or eating too little.

Cost savings

Planning meals in advance can help save money by reducing food waste and taking advantage of sales and discounts.

Increased independence

Meal planning can help maintain independence by allowing individuals to prepare meals for themselves rather than relying on others for meals.

Improved mental health

Meal planning can help stay organised and reduce stress, which can have a positive impact on mental health.

Fewer trips to the grocery store

Planning meals in advance can help make a single, well-planned trip to the grocery store rather than making multiple trips. This can be especially helpful for people who may have mobility issues or live far from a grocery store.

More time for other things

Meal planning can help save time by reducing the need to think about what to make for each meal. This allows for more time for other activities and interests.

What you need to consider when meal planning for seniors

When planning meals for seniors, it’s important to consider their unique needs and dietary restrictions. This includes things like reduced energy levels due to aging, lower metabolism rates, constipation issues, and food sensitivities. Some other considerations include:

Older adults' unique nutrition needs

Seniors require different amounts and types of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats than younger adults. According to accredited practising dietician Leanne Elliston, as we get older our muscle mass starts to break down, which results in increased protein needs. Muscles in the gut also weaken as we age so getting enough fibre is crucial. It’s important to make sure that seniors are getting enough of the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Possible difficulty in chewing and/or swallowing

As we age, it can become increasingly difficult to chew and swallow solid foods. As a result, soft or puréed meals may be easier to digest and provide better nutrition than hard-to-chew options. Consider adding soups, smoothies, and puréed vegetables to your meal plan.


When meal planning for an older adult, it’s important to think about how easy it will be for them to actually prepare their food. This is especially important if the senior is living alone and doesn’t have access to an oven or stovetop. Consider pre-made meals that can be quickly reheated in a microwave, as well as light snacks that don’t require any preparation like cut-up fruits and vegetables.

Financial restrictions

It's also important to be mindful of any financial constraints they may face. Consider opting for budget-friendly ingredients that can be used in multiple recipes or rotated throughout the week.


When meal planning for an older adult, freshness and food safety are especially important. Always make sure to check expiration dates on grocery items and look for signs of spoilage before or after reheating a pre-portioned meal. If you can, choose recipes that do not spoil quickly and can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer for later use.

Meal planning tips for seniors

1. Start small

Making a complete weekly meal plan can be overwhelming, so start by just planning one or two meals at a time and slowly build up from there.

2. Consider each food group

Make sure you’re including all the essential food groups in your meals to ensure you’re getting all of the necessary nutrients.

3. Get organised

Keep your meal plan organised to help you easily plan ahead and save time. Consider using a template or writing out a grocery list of items you need so you don’t forget anything when shopping.

4. Invest in quality storage containers

Investing in quality and easy-to-store containers is a great way to ensure your meals are fresh, safe and last longer. Consider getting containers that are dishwasher-safe and microwave-safe to make reheating meals even easier.

5. Keep a well-stocked pantry

Having a pantry stocked with essential ingredients can help you save time and money when meal planning for your senior loved one. Consider keeping items like canned goods, frozen fruits and vegetables, and other non-perishable items on hand for when you need them.

6. Shop your pantry first

Before you head out to the store, take a look at what’s already in your pantry and make balanced meals based on those ingredients. This will help minimise food waste and save you money.

7. Consistently make time for meal prep

Consider setting aside a couple of hours during the week for grocery shopping and prepping ingredients so that you can make quick and healthy meals throughout the week. Your future self will thank you for taking the time to make meal prep easier.

10. Ask for help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by meal planning, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Consider reaching out to a dietician or nutritionist who can provide expert advice on the best meal options for seniors. There are also many online resources available that can help make meal planning easier and more efficient. Lastly, maybe your family can give you a helping hand with meal planning and prep. Having someone to share the workload can make the process less daunting.

11. Track and record your favourite meals

Making a list of meals that you or your senior family member loves can help you create meal plans that are enjoyable and nutritious. You can also use this list as a reference for future meal planning or as inspiration for new recipes.

12. Always head to the grocery store armed with a list (or shop online)

Having a list of items you need at the grocery store can help ensure that you don’t forget anything and it will also help prevent overspending. Consider shopping online to save time and energy, as many stores offer delivery or curbside pickup options.

13. Avoid shopping while you're hungry

It’s a common mistake to go grocery shopping while you’re hungry. Avoid this practice and plan your meals in advance so that you can make conscious decisions about what you buy. This will help ensure that any food purchased is part of your meal plan and not just impulse buys

14. Buy in bulk

Buying in bulk is a great way to save money and time. Consider buying items like dried beans, grains, nuts, spices and other staples that can be used multiple times throughout the week or pantry staples that will last longer than fresh ingredients. This will help you avoid having to make frequent trips to the store.

15. Batch cook

Batch cooking is a great way to save time and energy when meal planning. Consider making larger batches of meals that can be divided into individual portions and frozen so they are ready to go whenever you need them. This will help minimise food waste and make the process much simpler

16. Plan for and repurpose leftovers

Meal planning for the elderly should include recipes that make enough food to allow for leftovers. This will ensure that you or your senior family member have lunches or dinners ready to go throughout the week and it can also help cut down on food waste. Additionally, consider repurposing leftover ingredients into entirely new meals to avoid wasting food.

17. Pre-portion your meals

Having pre-portioned meals can make meal planning much easier and will also help prevent overeating. Consider portioning out ingredients into individual containers so that you or your senior family member can grab a healthy premade meal quickly and easily.

18. Wash and prep fruits and vegetables right away

As soon as you get home from the grocery store, take a few minutes to wash and prep all of your produce. This will help ensure that it stays fresh for longer and it also helps make meal preparation easier the entire week.

19. Use your slow or pressure cooker

Slow cookers and pressure cookers are great tools to have in the kitchen. They make meal preparation much faster and easier, as they can turn a complicated recipe into one-pot dishes. Consider using your slow or pressure cooker to whip up nutritious meals quickly and with minimal effort.

20. Vary your menu

Eating the same meals day after day can become boring and this can lead to skipping meals or unhealthy snacking. Try to incorporate a variety of nutritious ingredients into your meal planning to ensure that you or your senior family member are getting adequate nutrition while still enjoying every meal.

21. Make it enjoyable

Eating should be a joyful experience, so make sure to include things that you or your senior family member enjoys in the meal plan. This will help ensure that you stick to the plan and look forward to each meal. Don’t forget to add some of their favourite treats too!

22. Use less salt

When meal planning for seniors, it’s important to limit their intake of sodium. This can be difficult as salt is often used to enhance the flavour of meals. Consider finding alternative ways to flavour dishes like adding herbs and spices or using low- or reduced-salt ingredients. With a bit of creativity, you can still make nutritious and delicious meals without too much sodium.

Healthier food choices for seniors

A balanced, healthy diet can keep you energetic, agile, and improve your overall well-being; however, creating an appropriate meal plan tailored to a senior's individual needs can often be quite challenging. Understanding how nutrition affects aging adults and recognising which nutritious foods help maintain peak health are key factors in successful meal planning for seniors. Here are a few healthy food ideas you can include in your meal plans:


• High-fiber cereal with almond milk and fresh fruit.

• Soft-boiled eggs with whole grain toast and avocado slices.

• Tuna salad wrap with lettuce and tomatoes

• Grilled chicken sandwich with hummus, spinach, and roasted red peppers.


• Baked salmon with steamed vegetables and quinoa

• Lentil soup with whole grain crackers and fresh vegetables


• Vegetable stir-fry with brown rice

• Roasted turkey breast, potatoes, and steamed broccoli

Snacks and Dessert

• Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and walnuts

• Trail mix of dried fruits and nuts

• Applesauce topped with cinnamon, flaxseed, and walnuts.

• Yogurt parfait with peanut butter, berries, and chia seeds

Keep reading: 5 Best Brain Foods to Keep Your Mind Sharp as You Age

Why elderly meal plans are important

Elderly meal plans are important for ensuring seniors get the nutrition they need to stay healthy and active. Eating a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of nutritious foods can help boost immunity, improve overall health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis. Elderly meal plans should also be tailored to each senior's individual needs, taking into account the need for specific vitamins and minerals as well as any dietary restrictions.

Tunstall Healthcare is committed to supporting people around the world to maintain their health and independence at home. To find out more about the healthcare solutions that we offer, explore our website or contact us.

Suggested reading: 11 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

About the Author
Kathryn O’Neill
Kathryn O’Neill

Kathryn is Tunstall Australiasia’s Head of Operations and works closely with the Executive Team to support Tunstall’s teams and clients. With her background as a Registered Nurse, Kathryn is deeply passionate about the future of Connected Healthcare, digital transformation and client-centric care. She is a key driver behind Tunstall's unparalleled customer service, and constant improvement of quality care strategies across the business.

See all of Kathryn's articles.